13 Jan

Hello everyone, Happy 2023! 

I hope everyone is still staying strong with their New Year's resolutions!My personal resolution is to try and work a little less hard and do more yoga - I'm definitely succeeding on the second part at least :D

New Class - Two Point Perspective in Urban Sketching!I

 published this class about a week ago, and already 45 students ... WOW and thank you.

If you want to check the class out, just click here 

It's one the of the first classes filmed and recorded and edited with my new toys - including the light which SkillShare kindly contributed towards - so it's great that it's clearly having an impact on people sticking with the class too :)

The reviews have been amazing - it makes my day to read them, so thank you so much. Below is one of the public reviews, from Michael (Thank you Michael!)

This has got to be one of the best classes on Skillshare for Sketching. Well explained and presented. Definitely your best yet Toby.# Thank You.

Also up - I've REFRESHED another class!

I've 100% refilmed and redone my class about adding figures to your scene - it's called:Urban Sketching - Adding Figures and People to You Scene

And you can find it by clicking here

As normal, expect loose and simple techniques to get straight into your sketching - hope you enjoy the revamp :)


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