24 Mar

And free places - just follow this link (click here).

Want to start your Urban Sketching journey with my simple processes? Learning to sketch character filled shop fronts sound like fun?

If so ... here are a load of free places on my latest SkillShare class - just follow this link (https://skl.sh/3TJmypo).

Here are example projects from this SkillShare class.
This SkillShare class is called 'Urban Sketching for Beginners - Sketch a Shop Front in 5 Steps' - it's a deep dive into some easy processes, with a light hearted approach and aimed at the beginner sketcher.

There are clear concepts to get you off on the right foot in your sketching journey, and a lovely little challenge for the class project too.

The places in the SkillShare class are totally free, if you want to sign up for more classes after that's awesome - but there is absolutely no need for you to do anything but enjoy this free class.

And the other piece of news...

SketchLoose.co.uk - Re-opening on the 2nd of April

My first full length and independently published course is currently running with it's first cohort of sketchers, and soon it is going to reopen for the next group.

This course is found on www.sketchloose.co.uk - and is called 'Developing Line Work and Mark Making'.

I've been refining and reviewing the course for the past few weeks, and building on the feedback from this first amazing group of sketchers.

As a result, the course now boasts five workshops, around four hours of demonstrations, over 30 pages of lighthearted handout with lots of illustrations, and six different challenges to work your way through. And the final workshop includes a full length walk through of my entire sketching process.

There is also the opportunity to share your sketches in the community, and get feedback, ask questions and have discussions about all things sketchy!

So, keep tuned at the beginning of April where I will be releasing the course again!

ps the image says 'three hours', but it's increased to four hours now :) 

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